The Orange runner
The Orange runnerThe Orange runner

Beyond Fatigue


The two sped across the landscape. The wolf pursued purposefully. The runner fled purposefully.


The runner, already exhausted, took a glance back, dismayed at the doggedness of his pursuer. He pressed on.


And on.


Until finally he could no longer manually override the dozens of death alarms ringing out from his lungs, his heart, his muscles. He sagged as darkness thundered around him.


The wolf chomped down on his leg. Fangs sunk into his ankle. Most people believe themselves brave enough to face death-- the runner certainly believed himself capable of such bravery-- but that bravery wavers once teeth hits bone, and everyone will look for another option. The runner had precisely one.


He ran. The darkness thundered around him, his vision went black, his body numb, but he propelled himself forward.